2 ROV Systems mobilizing for EPC Contractor

 In 2021

Both the Triton XLS 39 WROV and Seaeye Cougar XTi 1449 ROV depart from the CCC yard for mobilisation onto a client’s vessel, following CCC (Underwater Engineering) S.A.L. contract award by an EPC contractor, for the supply of two ROV systems to support offshore operations in the Middle East region.
The Triton XLS 39 remotely operated vehicle is a 3,000 m depth rated heavy work class vehicle, with a type 4b Top Hat TMS. The XLS vehicle has increased thrust, additional payload and extra space within the vehicle frame to accommodate client requirements, with a through frame lift capacity of 3,000 Kg. The Triton XLS WROV system provides an excellent platform to undertake a wide variety of survey and construction support operations.
The second vehicle being mobilised is the Seaeye Cougar XTi 1449 remotely operated vehicle, which is a 2,000 m depth rated version of the compact, highly flexible and extremely powerful Cougar-XT ROV system. The Cougar-XTi is a very stable platform and is able to perform well in strong currents and under the harshest conditions, providing excellent handling and manoeuvrability. It is ideal for undertaking a variety of subsea operations. The Cougar-XTi 1449 also features ICON, SAAB Seaeye’s modular control system.

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