I.R.M. Contract Awarded
CCC (Underwater Engineering) has been awarded a six-month contract conducting I.R.M. services over two campaigns, offshore Abu Dhabi. The first campaign will be performed utilizing CCC (UE) owned DP2 “CCC Maritime 1” and Seaeye Panther XT Plus 955 ROV for inspection of seven subsea wells, thirty-five subsea pipelines and nineteen platforms. A combination of GVI, CP and GFMD inspection techniques will be used to complete the project scope. The second campaign will continue on from the first phase utilizing the same CCC (UE) owned DP2 vessel and air diving equipment/personnel for detailed CVI of boat landings, riser protections, fenders, risers, clamps, UT measurements, inspection of caissons, anode inspection and ACFM inspection, of nineteen platforms.